Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am good at helping!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sorries it's been a while...

sorry there are no storyboards up yet, I know they were meant to be up last week but 1). they are taking a lot longer than I expected, which is ok, I have the time. and 2). I've also started on some other illustration projects that might be bringing a little money my way, fingers crossed XD. Never fear though I am working on my storyboards every day.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Art Style

Here is a more refined version of the ninja character, though this is vector art it gives you a better idea of what the final 3D character will look like. I will most likely go for some kind of toon shader to get a similar look.

This week for me is all about the storyboarding so expect there to be some of that posted up here before/on Sunday if all goes as planed :D. And once that's all done I can hopefully fire up Maya and get back into some 3D modeling.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Concepts well under way

Above are a few of my quick concept sketches for my major project, these will give you a nice feel for where I'm heading style wise I think. As for the brief side of things I'll be aiming more for a technical approach rather than a contextual one (learnt that lesson last year).